
Today, I'll be brief...

The other day, I had a very strange experience. My boss, Bob, had just finished reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and we were talking about it while he taught me to close out the register. It was a bit unsettling, kind of like little Suzy having a tea party with Mrs. Nesbit the teddy bear, and her other close friend, Hitler. It's not that I think my boss is the most evil man in history, it's just that I didn't expect to be discussing one of the world's most popular children's books (and the love triangles therein) with him (both Bob and I think Harry and Cho Chang should hook up).


I have to write this whole frickin' thing over again because Compusuck just kicked me off.

It amuses me that Amy used to think I was fearless. It was a long time ago... something like in sixth grade. She's learned her lesson since. See, we were riding our bikes down the bike path (if you can imagine that) and we stopped at this bridge over a little bitty stream. I suggested we explore underneath. I was having a grand old time looking at the raccoon prints in the mud, stuff like that. Amy was clinging to (crushing) my arm because she thought it was creepy. I was alright until I saw this HUGE spider web with a ginormous spider in it. The moment I saw it, I ran screaming in fear out from under the bridge, hopped on my bike, and headed for the hills. When Amy caught up with me (several miles down the road and trying to wipe the arachnic cooties off), she said to me, "Well, now I know you're not completely fearless."

Amy, who is the boldest, bravest, most stable person I know. Who can and will hurt you if you get on her bad side. Versus me, who is afraid of everything under the sun. Sort of. I'm not afraid of terrorists, or communists, or getting hit by drunk drivers, that kind of normal stuff... but I won't go on the climbing wall at school when there are people on it, despite the fact that the ropes we use can hold something like 500 pounds. And I won't touch any food that's even one day past the expiration date, because I'm convinced it's contaminated enough to kill me with one taste. So, yeah.

I have a pathetic addiction to film commentaries. Even if the movie that the track is on is the lamest movie in the history of film making, I will watch the commentary. I also have been getting into watching Disney movies in foreign languages. You weep for me, do you not?

The other day I was in Suncoast, perusing the anime section, when I came across a new Burn UP! DVD. For those of you who don't know, BU! is an anime known for its gratuitous jiggles. Normally not my thing, but once during anime club, we watched a couple of episodes, and the girls started up a counter to see how many...yeah... were in there. The point to this story is that the new DVD was equipped with a JIGGLE COUNTER! And to think we were doing it by hand.


We just got a waffle iron (it's not the Hello Kitty one that I wanted, but then, Mum and Dad refuse to let her TV, vacuum cleaner, or rice cooker into our home, either. They are so small minded). It doesn't actually IRON the waffles, though. As a matter of fact, it makes them 3D. And tasty. We had breakfast for dinner last night (I love it when we do that). It was fun and bacon-y.

Lately, I have been at the receiving end of some fond memories. I love it when that happens. Would you like me to share some? Well, too bad. I'm going to anyway. When I was just a wee little lass (hee hee), I lived in Waukegan and went to school in Lake Bluff, where it was less likely gangs would fire shots into our windows. It was a bit of a commute, but my dad took us. I was in about second grade, Weston was in fourth, blah, blah, blah. Weston had to be dropped off before me, and then Dad and I had time to kill. So we'd go to Treasure Island (now Dominic's), buy a newspaper and a doughnut, and read the comics while listening to his Dr. Demento tapes. Now that I look back, with all that sugar and The Far Side and Tom Leher first thing in the morning at age 7, it's no wonder I ended up as weird as I did. I think my dad's rather proud of the way I've ended up, though. At the beginning of summer, Mum, Dad, and I went to Libertyville days. There we saw a really huge pick up truck.
DAD: That is one big ass truck.
ME: Yes, but who needs an ass truck?
MUM: What did you just say?!?!?!

I got in trouble with Mum for swearing, but Dad thought it was clever. He got me out of trouble. YAY!

Speaking of trouble, I think teen romance these days has gone horribly, horribly WRONG. I was watching some anime yesterday (I will not disclose the name. Some of my friends are still getting through it) and it was truly bizarre. And not in the good way. The people in it are in mortal danger because everyone and their mother want them dead, and some of their friends have been kidnapped by some of these not-so-well wishers. So the guy in the series goes off to save them, but the girl (who recently fainted, and therefore must stay in bed for several days. Why, I don't know) wants him to stay by her side forever because it's too dangerous. She's afraid she'll never see him again, you see. So he bends over and GIVES HER A HICKEY. Then he says, "I'll return before this mark fades." Now there's something no one's ever thought of before. Love bites as time keeping devices. HELLO????? What went wrong with the world?

Later, she finds out she pregnant and lets him know and they have a really touching moment. This isn't the funny part. The funny part is that they're on a burning cruise ship with about 500 people trying to find and kill them, including this dude who is immortal and can blow thing up just by looking at them. So it's kind of not the best timing. Actually, it was made even more amusing when I watched it in English. The dub actors sound like total airheads, so when you see this stoic, serious looking guy with his hands on his girlfriend's belly, and saying in this dazed, surfer-guy voice, "I... made... a baby?" I must have watched that scene about six times. Pure comic genius...even if it wasn't meant to be.

I think that's it for now. Nanoo nanoo.


I don't think I'll ever get around to posting the DC chronicles (I hate the fact that I can't spell check here). I stopped caring about three weeks ago. In the mean time, here are thought bursts. As non-cohesive and disjointed as I can make them:

-Who else thinks Mother Nature should be put on trial for crimes against humanity and cruelty to animals for her invention of old age?
-Why am I the only one who thinks exploding beavers wearing sombreros is funny?
-I want a pet squirrel.
-Irish wolfhounds are like little horses that bark.
-Old man hats are cool on everyone, regardless of age, sex, or ownership of pull-out couches.
-Bruce begins with a B.
-Instead of Caitlin, I want to go by Kit my senior year. Do you think it will work?
-We went to IrishFest, and I bought a kilt-pin from an Irish dude, and he asked me in his kewt accent, "Will you be putting it on your wee little bag, then?" (He meant my purse). I want my very own Irish accent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, wait. I want Oliver Wood from the Harry Potter movie. He's SCOTTISH. Tee hee.
-I like cuttlefish. People should call them cuddlefish. They are quite cute.
-My life is meaningless without strawberry cream cheese.
-The Japanese both produce and eat the following products:
Grass flavored drinks
Clam jerky
Crab flavor potato chips
As much as I like them, sometimes I really wonder about them, too.
-I have had not one but TWO of Brad's newest DVDs ALL SUMMER. I am wracked with guilt.
-Have you ever noticed how alike guilt and quilt are? Why????

That's it for now. Come back later. I'll have Pi!
The number, I mean.


In lieu of the five page yap-fest on my 3-day trip to Washington DC (which, if you're desperate to read it, I will be posting later), I will be writing about the wacky misadventure we suffered this morning.

4:36 AM-
As I am sick, I wasn't so much sleeping as lying still and hoping to be rendered unconcious eventually (I was, but not until later). Anyway, my non-sleep was interrupted by the sound of a car alarm blaring through all my open windows. Shortly after came the sound of someone burning rubber down the road. Then my parents were stumbling down the stairs because the guy across the street is yelling their names.

"Robyn? Terry? Come out. Someone broke into your car. I've called the police."

Meanwhile, my parents are not morning people, so they're out there like, "Uh? Whuh? Hmm?" It took a while for it to sink in.

I think at this point I must have finally fallen asleep, because I didn't hear anymore. But the police came, and Mum and Dad told him they didn't think anything was missing. It wasn't until later that they found out something was stolen..... that greedy S.O.B. stole Mum's cupholder full of change! That's right. Maybe three dollars worth of change, gone forever. And now, where are we supposed to put our cups, eh?
What are supposed to do with our tasty liquid beverages now, huh?

The sad part is, we'll probably have to pay about fifty bucks to get it replaced. But at least he didn't get anything else. Mum said if he was looking for more stuff, he could have checked the glove compartment... she has McDonald's napkins there.