
I also drew a picture of a guy who looks vaguely masculine, which is an achievement for me. Of course, if I show it to anyone who doesn't watch anime, they'll tell me he looks just as womanly as anything else I've drawn. Poo on them. XP <-- this is the only time I can stick out my tongue properly. Sad, huh?
Look, I've got the archives up and working! Now if you want to go back and reminisce (did I get anywhere near the proper spelling?), you can, although I can't imagine why you'd want to. Plus, all the archives are in the "fat kitty" format. Awwwwwwwwww, they look like Zoe and Rags...
...if Zoe and Rags were big, fat, bald, and horribly deformed. Still, c'est mignon. >^.^< (It's cute you non-francophones)...(francophone is French for French-speaker. Jeez. Losers).

So now the Gordons know about this place. I even have a link on the family website. I'm so proud...I think. Right now, I'm just concerned that someone will misinterpret something I've written as being offensive when it was meant to be funny (which has happened before). Well anyway, that brings the list to:
-my family
-my friends
-Chris' grandparents (O_o)
-Mum's coworkers

But that's not good enough. I want perfect strangers here wondering if I was dropped on my head as a child, not just family members who know I was. You there! Go out and spread the word! Convert the masses! Enlighten the ignorant! Eat your peas!

Hee hee. I've been downloading Disneymania songs. Right now I'm listening to "Under The Sea" by the Ateens. My pop addiction rears its ugly head. Speaking of which, I do believe I own the epitome of mainstream pop albums: Coco Lee. She's not a star, but one look at the back cover and you can tell she's the real thing. The first track is "Do You Want My Love" and the ninth is "Don't You Want My Love" with "Just No Other Way (To Love Me)", "Did You Really Love Me", and "Before I Fall In Love" in between to balance it all out.

Today I watched Pootie Tang with Eliza and enjoyed it muchly, but now Drea says she won't let me live it down. All I have to say is, she's the one who wanted to see Jackass.

I really want a sock monkey. Someone get me one for Christmas, will you?


I was in the garage with Daddy yesterday, and I thought I saw a box of cat food that said, "Dead Cat." A second later, I realized it was Deli Cat, but I still asked dad what we've been feeding the cats lately.

So Simmons College in Boston has been stalking me lately, sending me pamphlets, packets, letters, email, all practically begging me to give the school a chance. I have no idea what they're about or what they offer, and I really don't care. So I just ignored them. Then they told me they would waive the application fee if I applied. Still I ignored them. Then they guaranteed a response within 10 business days of my sending it in. But I still couldn't be bothered. So recently I got an email telling me they'll waive the fee, respond in the 10 days, AND give me a free Simmons hat just for applying. So I'm working on the application now. It's the hat what done it.

Eliza and Booger came for our little party-mabob today, only Dad had no clue who Booger was when he let him in, so he just introduced him to everyone as "Pierce" because all of Booger's piercings. He didn't do much... I suspect he was a little uncomfortable to be in a houseful of my family when he doesn't even know me. Mostly he sat in a corner of my room drinking Fresca (which amazes me because you'd have to pay me A LOT to drink that stuff, and he accepted it willingly) and singing along to songs he recognized when I played them on the computer. He told me he doesn't think much of MJ (Jackson), though, so....well, there are worse things, I suppose.

I'm listening to my Sailor Moon CD right now... it's sooooooooooo bad, but I love it. Why do I always like to listen to what no one else would touch with a 39 1/2 foot pole? I'm a slave to crap music.

I told my cousin Michael (I know, you're thinking: which one?) about how some of my friends (that's you) were applying to Iowa, and he said, "Oh, you don't want to go there. Haven't you ever wondered why the trees in Illinois lean to the West?"
There is a silence as everyone is trying to work out what the punchline might be.
"Cuz Iowa sucks." I laughed quite heartily. It probably wasn't that funny, but I liked it. I adore Mike; he's so nice and funny. And he's always pulling me aside to warn me about boys my age. "They're all after one thing; don't give it to them." I pointed out that he's technically one of my peers, so I said, "Even you?"
"Especially me."
Tee hee.

It's funny to hear my family talk about my senior pictures. They all talk about how gorgeous I am (blush) and all that, and then how you can hardly recognize me, and how they're worried about boys. All this, despite the fact that I've been on maybe three dates in my life, and only one of those was before the age of 8, when I had a "little friend" with whose family I'd tag along to Denny's or something along that vein. Wait, I've forgotten taking Colin to homecoming. That makes me even. Well, I'm working on it.

The other day Mike Brodeur (spelling?) was looking over my shoulder as I doodled in Humanities, and asked me if I was going to pursue anime as a career. I laughed long and hard, but he said he wanted to start an American anime production company and he'd like it if I came along (work for him). I looked him straight in the eye, gave him what a hope to be a fake-sweet, I-really-don't-think-so smile and told him to give me a call just as soon as he got one. The company, I mean. It's so weird how people do that to me. My councillor is half trying to get me to become a stand-up comic. For real! I may be a fantasy-prone space case, but even I realize that either of those two careers are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay unrealistic. What is it about me that makes people think I'm going to do something so...not-me? Sigh.


I had a really whiny post up before, but I got sick of myself and deleted. If you've already read it, I apologize. It was late and I was moody.

Love and Peace


At least once a week, I look deep down inside myself and wonder, "Am I the most obnoxious jerk ever?" I don't know why. Sometimes it just occurs to me that I might not be the most charming person at times. In fact, I have had several occasions where I've convinced myself that I really am this unlikable, irritating creature and my friends are just humoring me because they're all just really nice people. On days like those, I want to turn to Kulsoom or Chris or Eliza or whoever and say, "Thank you so much for not punching me in the face, as I so greatly deserve to be." I know it sounds like I'm trying to squeeze some sympathy out of you, but I'm not. About 5 minutes after the sneaky little blighter of a thought enters my head, I disregard it. I know for a fact that Eliza would not hesitate in decking me if she felt it was neccesary, and I'm happy to report that she's yet to do it.

Mum bought this wierd angel for the top of the tree. It's one of those super-elaborate plastic numbers with the long flowing robes and big panyhose-stretched-over-wire-and-painted-white wings. She bought it cheap because it was in the "reject" pile in the Christmas store...the hair was melted funny or something. The point is, the angel is "accented" with those little fiberoptics ma-bobs that glow rainbow colors at the tips, so when she put batteries in it and turned it on, it looked like our own miniature Las Vegas. So tonight, for fun, we turned off all the lights, turned on the angel on, and stuck Zoe in front of it. She was terrified. She leapt out of my arms, hissed, gave the thing a wide berth, and hid under the kitchen table until we moved it. I told Mum we should put it in the garden as pest control.

Mum loaned me the money to buy a Baby G, the watch I've wanted since 8th grade...when it was trendy. At this point, I wanted it simply because I didn't want to have to sneak over to a cash/wrap at the Barn when I'm clock-watching. Anyways, it does SO much more than give me an excuse to let my analog-clock-reading-skills fall into even further decay. It has the following nifty functions:
-completely water proof and shock proof (I could operate a jack hammer in Lake Michigan and it wouldn't bother the watch any)
-can hold up to twenty phone numbers (technically, it can hold 40, since each name entry is allowed 2 numbers)
-can set up to 5 different alarms, which can be programmed to, for example, go off at 5:15 pm every Sunday, or in 5 minutes, or at 9 am next Saturday, etc, etc... with icons so you can remember what you set the alarm for in the first place. There's a martini glass, a happy face, a sad face, a present, a telephone, a car, and a musical note, to name a few (that's right, there's more)
-stopwatch function
-day, date, and year
-glow button
-when you press the glow button, a little animation plays at the top. There's three you can choose from: a DJ that spins some tunes and then throw the record across the room (sometimes it makes it and sometimes it smashes), a break dancer who does the snake and then scoots backwards kicking out his legs (sometimes he does it right and sometimes he falls flat on his back), and two people who run to each other a la "John and Marsha" (sometimes she makes it and they spin around and kiss, and sometimes she trips and falls on her face)... these alone kept me entertained for about an hour after I got it
-oh yeah, it tells time too, I guess (hours, minutes, and seconds; can switch between standard and military time)

I keep getting these little blurbs that pop into my head. They're just these little things that occur to me as being horribly funny but I can never remember them. If you go to Sinfest (Mum and Dad and whoever else: this is not as bad as it sounds) and look at the little things Tatsuya Ishida puts above his name on the comics, it's kind of like that. But like I said, I can't remember them. They appear, I giggle, and then they're gone. Like butterflies. Only I don't pursue them as much as my current Blog title would imply.

Sometimes I really impress myself with how fast I can type. I can just whip this stuff down without even thinking about it. I remember when I used to hunt-n-peck... this sentence alone would have taken me about 5 minutes to write. The thing is, I spent all of my keyboarding class on the internet. What would I be capable of if I had actually applied myself?????

Mum used to buy Precious Moments figurines for me. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?

Yeah... so there.


I always forget people actually read this thing, so when someone walks up to me and says something about hair bands, or Kingdom Hearts, or whatever I've written about, I'm always like, "How did you know?"

How sad is that?


I learned more today about Robbie's colon cancer than I ever wanted to, and that's all I'll say about that.

We've new cats at the Gardens. They look like little clones of Rags and they're half wild. One bit me when I tried to pet it. But they're locked up in a little cage and have been completely relocated from everything they've ever known, so I've forgiven it. There are two of them, and one was practically using the other as a couch, they were crammed together so closely. Every time I came in they stared at me like I was the single most terrifying thing in the universe, while I was cooing at them and telling them how cute they were, etc. They didn't move once all day. Don't they need to strech their legs? Pussycats is the craziest peoples.

Eliza slept over on Friday. When it comes to staying up, she's a real light weight. Out like a light at midnight. I could do 2, even 3 o' clock, no problem, and even get up and go through work with no problems. For some reason, this only works on weekends. If I stay up past ten during the week, I'm falling asleep left and right during school. I don't get it.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I got Mars # 6. Huzzah! I'm horribly entertained by this one part in the beginning:
Rei finds out that Masao has a crush on him (for those of you who don't know....Rei's one of the main characters and male. Masao is the new freshman/ transfer student. Also male. Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!), so he turns around in his seat to examine his rear and says:
"I wonder why? Is it my ass?"
I must have been trying to smother my laughter for about 5 minutes. I still giggle thinking about it now. Hee.

I'm sure everyone wanted to know that, too.

When I bought it at Suncoast, the girl behind the counter asked me if I was really into "the anime." So I said I thought it was cool, and she said, "I have all these things to give you, then." And she hands me a poster, and a thick book with all these manga previews in it, and for a good measure, some microwave popcorn. Her manager hands me another. "Take two, they're small." Then I caught up with Mum at Barnes and Noble, and she handed me a mini pile of Hoobastank stickers she got from Gadzooks. It was Awsome Freebies For Caitlin Day, apparently.

MY ROOM IS CLEAN! Will wonder never cease? The real miracle will occur if it stays like that for more than a week. Currently at two days, and counting! Root for me. And give me free food.

I found out that my super evil manager at the Bunker, Mary, used to babysit for BA (Brian). How very bizarre. Now I'm all weirded out. That Disney attraction wasn't kidding when it says it's a small world.


I've started making list of things I want to put up on this thing... I get all these great ideas and then forget them about 3 seconds later. So here goes:

-Hair bands. I'm really into them right now. No, not the kind you make a pony tail with. I'm talking about the old 80s bands with the long, glorious rock-god hair, tight pants, bandanas, and lots of sweat. Weston downloaded this one song for me (ironically, not from the 80s. An Japanese animation company had an American hair band write a new song for their anime. They are truly weird, aren't they?) and I fell in love with it. Now I"m downloading Bon Jovi and Aerosmith songs. Did I lump them in the wrong category? Some devoted fans of such things will probably attack me like so many rabid wolverines if I get it wrong. Oh well.

-I've just noticed: don't Patrick the Starfish and Earl the Funkatron denizen look alike? Perhaps they were separated at birth?
Oh. You do not know what a Funkatron is. You poor, deprived thing. Funkatron is the planet that ToeJam and Earl, the funkiest aliens this side of the Milky Way, hail from. Go look up the Genesis game ToeJam & Earl right now, you horrible, non-16-bit-video-game-playing person. The Xbox version's release looms ever nearer and you don't know ANYTHING.

-I want to start a band called Philosopher's Day Job. They won't play much music. Mostly they'll just lounge around all day and complain a lot.

-Go see The Truth About Charlie. Right now. It's the most fun you'll ever have being confused.

-I want the DisneyMania CD. It's pop stars singing Disney animated movie songs. Usher sings You'll Be In My Heart, Ashanti does Colors Of The Wind, Smashmouth performs A Man Like You. This thing was created just to hook me, I'm sure. I have to have it or I'll go MAD.

-I think I've found about a dozen different versions of Fly Me To The Moon. I want to make a CD of them and force them on non-listeners. Bwa hahahahahahahahaha...

-I think it would be fun to make an animated manga. And I don't mean an anime. It would be in black and white, and all shading would be done in tone paper (those little dots). It would all be hand animated, pen-on-paper, tones done the old fashioned way (they come on clear sticker paper, kind of like tape. But more artists are doing it on the computer now. LAZY BUMS!). It would look really cool, even if it would take forever and cost a butt-load of money. I'd love it. Whee!

Um... yes. Well. I was in a crappy mood all day. I was still sick, but I had to stick through school because I had a million things to do. Amy was sick, so I had to ask Mum for a ride to and from school. That's not so bad, but I didn't want to inconvience her or make her late or anything. Then in Early Bird, about 6 people kicked the soccer ball right INTO me, including the teacher. Jerk. Since Amy was gone, I had to be goalie for a bit. Urgh. I hate gym.

But you already knew that.