-Kelly Rowland CD
-The Truth About Charlie soundtrack (the whole thing kicks much tush, except for ooooooooooone song, which isn't even average, or OK, but really REALLY stinky. Tis bizarre)
-A fun fluffy white hat that I've been wearing nearly non stop since.
-matching hat, gloves, and superlong scarf
-Junior Mints lip balm (I know, it's weird, but I've figured out the greater purpose. I used it all day today and when Daddy picked me up from work I made him take me to Dominics and buy me a king-sized package of the actual candy)
-Lots of very cute shirts... and Eimile got some cute pants, so we've been stealing stuff from each other every once in a while.
-A cute kids' book of fake IDs from Eimile.
-A young adult book about mermaids from Eimile
-A doll of Lain in her bear suit. Yay!
-The entire box set of Grand Theft Auto soundtracks. That's right-- I'm rockin' to the eighties.
-Three sets of PJs from various grandparents. I love them. LOVE I tell you.
-The usual suspects, AKA gift certificates to Blockbuster and Borders and Delias.
-Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland. That's right, the long-awaited sequel to the world's most popular farming-simulation game. I love it. It's in 3D and has cel-shading. Score. Although there is this one guy who wanders around in khakis and he calls himself a "plant Hunter" with only the h capitalized. He's WEIRD >O_o<. Weston and I have eschewed the obvious joke that would make him the Croc hunter, and instead have branded him the Hitler Youth of the town. We speak his lines in German accents and punctuate every second sentence with "Hail Hitler." Don't ask us why this is funny. It just is.
-A baggie full of scrunchies and a "book thong" from Drea. I don't know why. I don't want to know why. It just is.
Ok, that's about all I can be bothered to remember. Sorry. I can tell you that I got no socks and underwear, and that's a disappointment because that's what I really wanted.
I can now happily tell you that I am wart-free. You probably did not know this. You probably did not want to know this. Well, that's just TOO BAD. Anyways, I had one in my nose (which the doctor assures me is a very common spot for the little buggers, apparently) and now it's gone, so to show my mum, who had been following its progress with a disturbing interest, I stuck her finger in my nostril (I have had this weird fixation on sticking fingers in noses lately, and it's only been getting worse. God only knows why). Dad was like, "Ew." And I was all, "Well, she wanted to know if it was gone." And he was all, "You are your mother's daughter." Mum didn't seem to mind, but this is the woman who amuses herself by licking our ears when we're not paying attention to her.
At the Gardens we have these little martini olive floating candles. They're really cheap looking and their package bears the charming slogan: They get lit while you get lit!
Urgh. Also, I saw a little mousey-shmousey in the back room. It left little mousey foot prints on our coffee cake. I didn't know whether to think it was cute or disgusting.
Have you ever tried to comprehend everything at once? It hurts my brain to think that RIGHT NOW, as I sit here: the universe is expanding forever into infinity, stars are dying and being born, the moon moves around the earth moves around the sun moves around the solar system cruises the universe, the continent are sliding across the surface of the earth, being crushed and melted into lava on one side and restored on the other, the earth rotates, the tides rise and fall, little cells in my body are breaking down all the stuff in my food to make sure I keep going for a while, I'm taking in the light bouncing off everything and turning it into pictures, nothing actually HAS color, it just reflects certain colors of the spectrum, light is part particle, part wave, and radio waves, microwaves, new wave music is travelling through the air, through the wall, through me, and the music I'm listening to is vibrating my ears so I hear them and zillions of people are going about their business without knowing or caring that I exist, and vice versa, and ARGH! It hurts, it hurts. I'll stop while I'm still reasonably sane.
I burned a CD of some of my MP3s for Mum, and she let Drea listen to it. Drea apparently finds it very odd that I find it perfectly acceptable to put Eartha Kitt, the Jackson 5, and Areosmith on the same CD, let alone right next to one another. She should take a look at what I DIDN'T burn for Mum.
I made fudge. It's yummy. I feel very good because I finally paid off my massive Christmas debt to mum, and I've got some fat checks coming my way because I've worked Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and today, and I'll be working tomorrow, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday again. Wow. Just looking at that makes me tired. Especially since I'll be working BOTH places tomorrow. Sob.