Now, I knew him as the guy from Law & Order: Criminal Intent (he's always just "the guy" because no one EVER uses anyone else's name in that thing). However, I was trying to explain my little crush to JJ, and she said, "Wait, the bug guy from Men In Black?" At first I was like, "Um, no!" But then I thought about it, and sure enough, he is the giant cockroach wandering around in a rotting-corpse-suit. I'm currently looking at his filmography, and while I never thought I'd say it, I might have to watch Adventures in Babysitting again (that is the one where she goes down to the city with the kids and the guy that comes with has to get stitches in his toe when someone drops a knife in his shoe, right? I haven't seen that movie since I was about...uh... since I was very little. I don't remember much). I can also see that he played some private in Full Metal Jacket. Um... I've never seen it. It says he was Private Pyle. Is he the one who went crazy? I remember Weston trying to explain it to me, but I had about as much interest in it as I have in any war movie (i.e. none). I won't see it now, either. I learned my lesson with Blackhawk Down (I'm looking at you, Chris). Hmm...he was also in Mystic Pizza (also unseen by me...). Although I haven't heard of many of his more recent movies.
You must be wondering what he looks like. Well, not really, but here are two pictures of him that I like:
I mean, look at him. He always looks really tired, or like he needs a hug. How could you not love that? Admittedly, however, I watch A LOT of L&O:CI, so it may just be that I've fallen in love with his character. Or, as Chris put it, his character's mind. He's really manipulative and weird. I love it. He also likes to get information from people in stores and things by pretending he and his partner are a couple. I mean, they do it a lot, and 9 times out of 10, it's his idea. I don't think his partner thinks it's funny (but I sure do).
They (show writers) sometimes try and tell you a little bit about the characters' backgrounds, and apparently his mom's been in a mental institution since he was seven or something. So he's good looking (according to me), cool, and he's got issues. Don't ask. I really have no idea why (fictional) people with emotional baggage appeal to me so much. At least I'm not alone. I'm starting to think the only reason Nik, Chris, and I read Mars is in the constant hope that we'll see Rei crying.
How horrible. But strangely alluring.